Letters from Cardinal Šeper
Letters from Cardinal ŠeperThe Croatian Ethnic Institute possesses several original letters that Cardinal Franjo Šeper, the Prefect of …hrvatski-franjevci-fra-hrvoslav-ban
First Seminar of the Croatian Language and Folklore in Sudbury, Canada
First Seminar of the Croatian Language and Folklore in Sudbury, CanadaMore than 25 teachers were trained in Sudbury, Canada, from July 7 to 15 to …hisak
Croatian Request for Freedom
Croatian Request for FreedomIn a letter sent to all members of Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica in America onMay 4, …hdz-chicago
Letter to the President Clinton
Letter to the President ClintonOn February 22, 1993, the Croatian American Association sent a letter to the White House …croatian-american-association
Archbishop Kuharić's thanks
Archbishop Kuharić’s thanksOn July 23, 1990, Archbishop Dr. Franjo Kuharić sent a letter to the Croatian woman …hrvatska-zena